Idea and organization

Detlef Klepsch & Anne Schülke
Katharina Maderthaner & Christian Schreckenberger

NKR Call #2

Spring of 2020 the NKR published an open call. 146 videos by international artists were entered, containing a diverse array of concepts and exhibition ideas. The NKR would like to extend a warm thank you to all artists who participated in Call #2.

The Jury has decided upon the project "Expanded Turn" by Nour Sokhon und Jilliene Sellner:

“The project “Expanded Turn” by Nour Sokhon and Jilliene Sellner makes perceptible the spaces for acoustic experiences, atmospheres and snap-shots in time during the Covid isolation in West Europe and the Middle East. Geopolitical themes such as post-colonialism, feminism and the inclusion of structurally disadvantaged groups are put into a discourse which is necessary in the present day. Nour Sokhon und Jilliene Sellner are members of the research group Heya, which offers a forum for experimental music and sound art by women from Cairo, Teheran, Istanbul and Beirut. "Expanded Turn" means a collaboration beyond borders. This collaboration will initially take place digitally and will then transform, within the NKR, into an exhibition in an analogue space. We decided upon "Expanded Turn" because it will allow us to show an artistic position yet unknown to Düsseldorf and NRW, which is embedded within the discursive, global art context. The jury looks forward to seeing how the project will develop beyond the submitted proposal.”

(Statement of the jury – Alisa Berger, Lena Ditte Nissen, Moritz Ellerich, Detlef Klepsch, Matthias Neuenhofer, Anne Schülke – 18. July 2020)

The project "Expanded Turn" will take place at NKR, from 9. September 2021 to 10. October 2021.

NKR Call #3 is expected to be released in the spring of 2021. Those interested in participating are encouraged to sign up for the newsletter and will be informed of the release.

The project NKR Call is sponsored by the Kunst- und Kulturstiftung of the Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf.

Special opening hours | August 4 - August 9, 2020

Thuesday - Friday: 3 - 8 pm
Saturday & Sunday: 2 - 6 pm